Our Services
Whilst Noosha provides one-on-one individualised therapy, she also works closely with couples in the various stages of relationships. She provides opinion to press on all things psychology and also presents to psychologists and non-clinicians on various subjects. Noosha provides consultation to practitioners in the healthfields and also to organisations on crisis management, people development, conflict resolution, psychoeducation and case formulation.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
talk therapy focussed on the connection between our past experiences, often from our childhood, and our current state. Noosha employs a 'parts' focus to navigate the psychological roots of emotional suffering. Together, Noosha works with the client to develop a window into problematic patterns in a clients life and in turn aid people lead healthier lives. It requires self-reflection, self-examination and is not solely focused on alleviating obvious symptoms, exploring emotional bling spots and understanding relationship patterns.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.

Schema therapy
Schema therapy is a type of therapy that targets schemas, a term used clinically to describe maladaptive patterns of thinking that could cause someone to engage in unhealthy behavior, or to struggle to maintain adult relationships. Schemas are thought to develop during childhood, particularly in children whose emotional and physical needs weren’t met; they may also develop in children who were overindulged or whose parents did not maintain proper boundaries. In adulthood, these schemas are thought to influence an individual’s thoughts and actions in negative ways—leading to behaviors such as avoidance, overcompensation, or excessive self-sacrifice. These behaviors, in turn, can negatively affect relationships and emotional well-being.
The aim of schema therapy is to help the individual recognize their behavior, understand the underlying cause(s), and change their thoughts and behaviors so that they’re better able to cope with relationship challenges or emotions in healthy, productive ways.

Couples Therapy
couples therapy is a form of therapy in which both partners in a committed relationship are treated at the same time by the same therapist or therapists. Couples therapy is concerned with problems within and between the individuals that affect the relationship.

Noosha provides consultation on a variety of topics, for a vast array of organisations. She often offers her insights to organisations who may require an independent professional opinion on matters pertaining to treatment, case management, triaging, parenting, child welfare and more. Noosha also consults clinicians in the health-fields regarding optimal business management, people management and workplace culture facilitation.

Noosha presents nationwide. She has presented to psychiaitrists and general practitioners on self-care, burnout prevention and mental health throughout the entirety of the 2020 pandemic. She presents to schools around Australia on matters such as self-harm, anxiety, behaviour management, system implementation and psychoeducation. She workshops for organisations and presents on topics such as Parts, self-harm, the mind+body connection, psychological responding, conflict resolution and more.

Noosha is a Psychology Board of Australia Approved Supervisor and provides supervision to Psychologists across various parts of their career. She has a particular interest in clinical governance, policies & procedures as well as group private practice administration and establishment. As a supervisor, she believes the best model is one where in both supervisee and supervisor are guided by feedback, to foster growth. She employs a parts and culturally sensitive approach to supervision and describes her supervisory style as warm and supportive.